Attentive Living In Christ: The Parable Of The Ten Bridesmaids

I shared this homily today at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Orlando, on this 24th Sunday after Pentecost. My reflection is on the Parable of The Ten Bridesmaids, Matthew 25: 1-13.

A story of entering every day, the reign of God.

A story of the revelation of the heart, the deepest part of who we are and being known by Christ.

It is about the watchfulness and attentiveness of love. Staying awake to your life to the moments of loving, loving God, loving others. Loving  yourself.

Life calls us to a readiness for the Coming of Christ now and at the Second Coming when all will be put to right and made new.  

There is a profound human conviction that ultimately all will be well.

This is a sign of the deepest longings of our heart. Pay attention. Now is the spiritual opportunity to be ready! 

With you on The Journey and The Way,
