
The Rev. Dr. Rob Lord+

My life story is a shared journey. In 1975 Nancy and I were married as God gave us to each other to know and to love as companions on this earthly pilgrimage. She is my soul mate and true partner in the vocation we share. We were blessed to have our children, Jennifer and Jonathan, who are now both married, and the light of our lives. They have given us the joy of three grandchildren whom we adore. One especially treasured gift of my life is having shared the vocation of Ordained ministry with my late father, the Reverend David Lord+, and my identical twin brother, The Rev. Rick Lord+ who is in the Diocese of Virginia.

My formation as a priest began after I graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a degree in Social Psychology  which led to being admitted to holy orders in the Diocese of Southeast Florida. I attended Nashotah House Episcopal Theological Seminary from 1977-1980, graduating with a Masters in Divinity, Cum Laude. Later, in 2000, I completed a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, in “Spirituality For Ministry.”

I have served as a Parish Rector in the Dioceses of Southern Virginia, Colorado, Kansas, and Central Florida. Recently I transitioned into a new season of life and ministry that is in its beginning stages of discernment and call. 

I am endeavoring to follow Christ in his contemplative/active way, in loving union with god, seeking the Kingdom of God for the flourishing of others. Deeply rooted and grounded in the ancient and expanding richness of christian spirituality, enriched by the Celtic Saints and lands, and above all, desiring to become possessed by that Great Love in which everything belongs. 

I hope you will find joyful encouragement here! From Silence+Something To Say.


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