For Fr. Eric Ravndal III R.I.P. – Christ The Consoler And Assurance Of A New Unending Life

He was one of my best and lifelong friends. I met Fr. Eric Ravndal III, and his wife Sarah, and their four kids (Chris, Beth, Eric III, and Mary) in 1977. I was just 24 years old. We were both entering Nashotah House Episcopal Seminary on our journey to become Ordained Priests. We were instant friends which continued for 46 years. As I said in my sermon, he was given to us by God “to know and to love as a companion on our earthly pilgrimage.” So true.

A couple of months ago, Eric asked me to preach at his funeral. Today, it was my honor to stand in the Pulpit of All Saints Episcopal Church of Winter Park where I was Rector from 2006-2018. In those years, I asked Eric to officially be the Retired Associate priest while I was there. We had renewed friendship with all of the Ravndals over the years we shared together.

It was a great honor to be with so many today at All Saints. So many wonderful memories to share. The Bach Festival Choir of Winter Park blessed us as the choir for the service. Eric’s four children gave exceptional and inspiring tributes.  Fr. Stu Shelby and Bishop Greg Brewer, led the Liturgy, and several classmates and their spouses from seminary days attended. It was a full house.

He lived a long and fruitful life and will be deeply missed. Loved him like a brother and a dear friend. As we lose those we love on our earthly pilgrimage, may God “give us faith to see in death the gate of eternal life, so that in quiet confidence we may continue our course on earth, until, by God’s call, we are reunited with those who have gone before; through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Eric, I will see you again.

Here is the audio of my Sermon.

With you on The Journey and The Way,
