Come Down O Love Divine: A Hymn Meditation For Pentecost

I offer this meditation and prayer on the exquisite Hymn: Come Down O Love Divine, sung by Anglicans and Episcopalians around the world on Pentecost Sunday.  The lyric was composed by Bianco de Sienna, Italy, in the 14th century. The tune is from Ralph Vaughn Williams. (I play an instrumentation of the melody I created for the prayer.)

It happens to be one of my most treasured hymns that has brought cleansing, illumination, and union with God in my  journey and pilgrimage of life.  It frames the very heart of a transforming friendship with the Lord. 

May you find a touch of the Spirit in my sharing with you. 

With you on The Journey, 


Come down, O Love divine,
seek thou this soul of mine,
and visit it with thine own ardor glowing;
O Comforter, draw near,
within my heart appear,
and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing.

2 O let it freely burn,
till earthly passions turn
to dust and ashes in its heat consuming;
and let thy glorious light
shine ever on my sight,
and clothe me round, the while my path illuming.

3 And so the yearning strong,
with which the soul will long,
shall far outpass the power of human telling;
for none can guess its grace,
till Love create a place
wherein the Holy Spirit makes a dwelling.

Hymnal of The Episcopal Church #516


4 Replies to “Come Down O Love Divine: A Hymn Meditation For Pentecost”

  1. Thank you for this lovely meditation. I listened as I sit on the porch at the beach in the still morning with gentle wind blowing, gazing at God’s beautiful creations. A gift of peace in tumultuous times. Thank you for continuing to share your meaningful glimpses into the glory of God…Rafalar

    1. Thank you Rafalar. I am grateful that you had a wonderful place to listen! Love and grace, Rob+

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