Listen: Are You Listening To The Groans?

The heart-rending events we have encountered over the past days, the atrocities we have viewed, and the words we have heard, devastate us. This is a crucible moment in our country. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry reminds us that as followers of Jesus we are to ask ourselves, “What would love do?” Then we are to go and do what love requires.

I believe we must put listening first.

This new season of my Podcast focuses on what I call Flourishing Words. Our first word is:


Right in the middle of the great 8th chapter of Romans we are called to:

Listen To The Groans

Romans 8:22-27. As South African Methodist Pastor Trevor Hudson says: “These verses tell us that three voices are groaning at the same time. They groan all around us, as well as within us, all the time. If we listen deeply, we can hear each one. Listening to these voices together helps us to find our way into God’s purposes for our lives. As we listen to these groans we are drawn into a deeper faithfulness, both in our personal discipleship and in our life together as God’s people. Most importantly, when we listen to these groans, we begin to have a much clearer understanding of how we can play our part in God’s healing of our fractured world.”

Creation groans

We groan

The Spirit Groans 

As we listen, we will want to respond.

Thank you for listening to these contributions towards the flourishing life and dream of God. I pray they inspire your Christ Following and seeking a more abundant way of life.

With you on The Journey,


Resources for this episode:

Trevor Hudson: Listening To The Groans   

N.T. Wright: The Crown and The Fire

With friend Wesley at St. Paul’s Torbeck, Haiti. February, 1998