Beyond Endings To The Gift Of Years

Sister Joan Chittister names the last third of life as the capstone years. It is the time in which a whole new life is in the making again. But the gift of these years is not merely being alive—it is the gift of becoming more fully alive than ever.

These older years—reasonably and intentionally active, mentally alert, experienced and curious, socially important and spiritually significant—are meant to be very good years.

When I crossed the threshold of full time parish ministry into a new season of life, many friends, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, members of parishes I served, offered me words of blessing for my new journey.  I treasure them. 

Now almost two years have passed. I turn 67 this month, 39 of those a priest. These words by Irish poet, author, and priest, John O’Donohue, both illuminating and wise, helped me to cross the threshold into a new invitation to “awaken the depths beyond my work… to live the dreams I’ve waited for…..” They continue to ring true!

Whatever season of the journey you are in, may you find the blessings before you in all of life’s thresholds. Slowly read and pray this poem and blessing.  Let it wash over you. 

John O’Donohue

This is where your life has arrived,
After all the years of effort and toil;
Look back with graciousness and thanks
On all your great and quiet achievements.
You stand on the shore of new invitation
To open your life to what is left undone;
Let your heart enjoy a different rhythm
When drawn to the wonder of other horizons.

Have the courage for a new approach to time;
Allow it to slow until you find freedom
To draw alongside the mystery you hold
And befriend your own beauty of soul.

Now is the time to enjoy your heart’s desire,
To live the dreams you’ve  waited for,
To awaken the depths beyond your work
And enter into your infinite source.

With you on the Journey, 


3 Replies to “Beyond Endings To The Gift Of Years”

    1. Thank you Trevor! Your life, ministry, books, and teaching have deeply enriched my own, for many years. Blessings to you.

  1. A good and true word for someone at a similar juncture on the journey. God’s blessings Rob+

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